Friday 20 August 2010

Unstoppable Confidence

Hello again

May I ask you a question today please ? Do you have 'Unstoppable Confidence' in Yourself ? Yes/No/Maybe ? Interesting question isn't it and it may well throw up some interesting answers. After all we all think we know what "confidence" is and whether we have it or not but......unstoppable confidence now there's a different thing altogether !?

Let's backtrack for a moment and ask ourselves "what is confidence" ? A dictionary definition says as follows : an "assurance: freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities". Literally therefore confidence is having a self belief and inner knowing that one has all one needs to perform in life to the best of one's capabilities.

Now we all know people in life who lack confidence, maybe their self esteem was damaged in their childhood and they struggle to believe anything good about themselves. Perhaps their families or a teacher told them that they " would never amount to much" or that the dreams they had a children were the sort of stuff that didn't happen to people like them or from their background.

The fact is that "self confidence" is the bedrock of ALL success in life whether in relationships, in jobs or careers or in business. Without confidence in yourself and your abilities life is going to be a struggle.

So the question is no matter what your background how do you become confident in yourself and, even better, if you are already confident how do you develop unstoppable confidence in yourself ?

Just imagine some of the benefits of developing unstoppable confidence in yourself :

1)Mentally - Have the ability to challenge yourself by stating your opinion without being afraid to be wrong;this also includes thinking for yourself and having confidence in your beliefs despite opposition;
2)Physically - This leads to an healthier lifestyle because you believe it's possible for yourself;this confidence can also be applied to addictions such as smoking or overeating;
3)Spiritually - develop a greater belief in your "deservedness" and have greater faith in yourself, others and in the divine having a purpose for you;
4)Interpersonally - develop leadership skills and other "interpersonal skills" such
as persuasion, communication, influencing and the ability to "sell" yourself;
5)Financially/career - follow your financial goals and career/ business dreams because you are "worth it" and know the value you have to offer the world;
6)Emotionally - become a problem solver and learn how to express your emotions and gratitude at a deeper level;
7)Hobbies/recreation - learn how to speak without fear in public and to take up new pursuits without having to excel from the outset.

As you can imagine from the list above having that unstoppable confidence would lead to an amazing sense of fulfillment and belief that any or all goals are achievable.

Many people have to embark on a journey maybe from shyness and lack of self esteem to increasing self confidence to a further breakthrough to unstoppable confidence . It is a question of having small successes leading to bigger ones and then even bigger dreams and goals.

The fact is however that people often cannot develop confidence in and of themselves without help. Developing confidence is a process like any other but most people suffering with a confidence issue need to learn some techniques particularly if they suffer from shyness or social phobia or some other issue with self esteem.

With this in mind I would like to recommend an invaluable resource written by a person who had to overcome extreme shyness to becoming super confident in his own life.

Having studied the issue of confidence and unstoppable confidence for many years and applied many techniques to himself he is in an "expert" postion to help others move forward to help them achieve all their dreams and goals. If you are looking today to eradicate lack of confidence in your life or of someone you know then please take a look at this. Click here.

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