Tuesday 3 August 2010

Save YOUR Marriage TODAY !

Hello again

Are you facing divorce today ? Is your marriage breaking down and looking like there is no hope ? Do you want to save your marriage but your spouse doesn't ? Well read on because there is still hope.

But before that let's look at some of the things that divorce does to people. Before that even lets look at what the Christian Bible says about divorce. In Malachi 2 it says " " I hate divorce" says the Lord God of Israel. Well if that is what the Almighty says then that is good enough for me.

So as I said what does divorce do to people :

1) Children of the marriage grow up feeling insecure wondering why their Mum or Dad is not around any more and wondering why they left ? 2) People lose their homes because of what some court has ordered; 3) People struggle to pay their bills because their spouse has abandoned them ; 4) People drive around in old cars without enough money to even eat properly much less having any fun in life; 5) Divorce causes severe stress leading in some cases to serious medical problems or even exacerbates pre existing ones; 6) Men in particular are often unable to see their children because of a ruling by a judge in a sterile court who goes home to his own family the same day; 7) Children are being placed at a disadvantage that will follow them all of their lives. Studies have shown they will have increased risk of everything from lower grades, to risk of going to jail, to failure of their own marriage if they are not raised by both mother and father together; 8) Divorce drastically drops the economic standard of living for both men and women. In short, you will probably have much more money at home than living apart.

This is just a snap shot of the things can happen after a divorce. For some people it is sadly all too much and they even give up the will to live or end up taking their own lives.

So if you are feeling TODAY that enough is enough, you are at a crossroads ! Are you going to do what it takes to save your marriage even if your spouse doesn't want to ? Are you going to fight for your marriage and avoid the consequences of divorce mentioned earlier ?

Some things you must NOT do if you want to save your marriage are as follows ! You must not beg, plead convince or in any other way try and "manipulate" your spouse to stay in the marriage. That will drive them away even more quickly. You must not act out of anger or revenge these are fatal. But and it is a big BUT you must not do NOTHING ! If the marriage is in serious trouble you just have to act before it is too late. You need a "radical" approach from a proven "expert" who can help you not only save the marriage but take it to heights it has never experienced before. For this highly recommended resource please go here and the very best of luck ! SavetheMarriage

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