Friday 20 August 2010

Inspired Living Daily - 20/8/10 - "What is YOUR "Money Blueprint" Today ?"


20 August 2010

In this issue :

1)Inspirational "Quote of the Week";
2)What are YOUR beliefs about "wealth" and money;
3)What is spirituality anyway ?
4)How to be both Spiritual AND Wealthy (A marriage of convenience !)
5)Inspiring story of a Chinese philanthropist !

Hello again and a very Warm Welcome to ALL !

As ever, a special welcome to any new subscribers this week wherever
you are in the world, it's great to have you here ! I would really
love to hear from you particularly if anything you read in this
newsletter resonates with you and/or if you apply any of the wisdom
shared here. Be sure to email me :
Also a reminder that if you would like a few nuggets of Daily
Inspiration I have a Fan Page on Facebook under "Oliver Kent -
Inspired Living Daily". The link is here :

So, this week, I thought that I would take as my theme the topic of
spirituality and wealth. I think we are now in a period of greater
enlightenment than ever concerning the "spiritual laws" of the
Universe. Films like "The Secret" and the knowledge base offered
by the Law of Attraction have opened people's eyes to learning about
these laws in a way only understood by a handful of people in previous
generations ? Despite this new "knowledge" there are still people
who struggle with the idea of being both "spiritual" and "rich".
Today's Newletter examines some of these dilemmas and hopes to
present you with a new reality.


Inspirational Quote of the Week

"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and that your
body may keep well, even as I know your soul keeps well and
prospers." The Bible, 3 John : 2

What are YOUR beliefs about "wealth" and money ?

Question for you today : Have you heard of something called "The
Money Blueprint " ? Yes/No/Perhaps ?

Well this phrase was coined by T Harv Baker and essentially relates
to YOUR beliefs about money. It is suggested that your current
financial reality is a direct reflection of your beliefs about money.
Now for some people that may be an unpalatable truth requiring one
to take stock and examine that for just a moment ?!

I mean that if you are "living pay cheque to pay cheque" what is that
saying to you and, more importantly, what are the underlying and core
beliefs that inform that "lack" position ?

An article in "" says as
follows :

"knowing what beliefs you have about money, and therefore
understanding why your financial situation is the way it is, is
the first step in changing your money blueprint, your wealth beliefs,
so that you can start having more success with money. "

Now most people carry with them negative or limiting beliefs about
money. I am not going to rehearse them all here, most people have
an awareness of these. The fact is however that in order to adopt
a more positive "money blueprint" then one really does have to
get to grips with one's negative money beliefs.

Adopting what is known as "wealth consciousness" will attract more
money and better opportunities into your life.Having supportive
money beliefs will give you an "optimistic attitude that you have
full control over your financial situation, that you make your life
as you choose."

For more today on creating an effective "money blueprint" in your
life go here :


What is spirituality anyway ?

As the theme of the Newsletter this week is about the marriage of
spirituality and wealth I thought I would ask a question about the
nature of spirituality ? More importantly about spirituality in the
context of money and wealth.

Now Mother Theresa is one of the "icons" of spirituality of this
generation, known throughout the world for the work she did
as a humanitarian and advocate for the poor and helpless. At the
time of her death in 1997 her Missionaries of Charity was operating
610 missions in 123 countries, including hospices and homes for
people with HIV/AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis, soup kitchens,
children's and family counselling programs, orphanages, and schools.

What is interesting to me is that Mother Theresa had a belief in
the "spiritual goodness of poverty". As a Cathoic nun that is
perhaps understandable but not many of us are called in life to
such a deep understanding of this kind. After all most of us live
in the "real world" where we have mortgages and bills to pay and
sadly "poverty" doesn't take you very far there ! It goes without
saying that because of Mother Theresa's high profile attracting
money for her humanitarian work was never an issue. She became
almost a "celebrity" in her own right.

It is my belief that to accept a position in life where one is
conflicted between one's spritual beliefs and acquiring wealth is
not what the Creator (God) intended. What is important is the "intention"
behind the desire to create wealth and having a specific purpose
for that desire.By adopting a stance of "poverty" based on one's
spirituality one is then continually in a state of dependence on
others both individuals and institutions. Whilst a temporary state
of poverty may be enlightening, I am of the firm belief that a more
"empowered" position is to be both spiritual AND wealthy.

For an interesting article entitled "10 Spiritual Money Practices
to Eliminate Poverty" go here :


How to be both Spiritual and Wealthy

So if you have read through this Newsletter so far you may have
accepted or indeed not, it's your choice, that you can be both spiritual
and wealthy in life ? Indeed that is an entirely consistent position
to aim for in my opinion.

I am always impressed by a British TV programme called "The Secret
Millionaire". In that programme self confessed millionaires, many
of whom are very wealthy indeed, are invited to go and live in
a "run down" or socially and economically deprived area of Britain
"under cover". They are usually offered a very ordinary house or
flat with a lack of amenities that they probably have never
experienced before in their lives or at least for a very long time.
They then go into the local communities and "volunteer" their
services to charitable projects or agencies of one kind or another.
At the end of the programme their cover is "blown" and they then
give large financial donations to what they consider the most deserving.

My point here is that these are individuals whose whole "reason
for existing" has been about making money or becoming wealthy.
For a number of them being exposed to the difficulties that some
people experience in life gives them an whole knew understanding.
My belief is that in the act of "giving" their time and money in this
way is showing them the link between spirituality and wealth ?
Of course if they weren't wealthy in the first place this would be
a non starter.

Wealth in and of itself is a "neutral" thing. For me the only reason
to be "wealthy" is for the good one can do with it. And it is in
the "doing good" that one's spritual gifts are nurtured.

Finding one's "purpose" in life is I believe a spiritual thing and
can lead to great wealth of one kind or another. Serving people and
helping people find solutions to their problems are both spiritual
practices and in the process have made many people vastly wealthy.

For more on the convenient "marriage" of spirituality and wealth
go here :


Inspiring Story of a Chinese philanthropist

"Yu Pengnian's journey from poor street hawker to Hong Kong real
estate magnate was already a remarkable one. Then the 88 year old
did something even rarer that shocked many in increasingly
materialistic China: He gave it all away.

Mr. Yu is pleased to have his family's support, but says he would
have gone ahead with his philanthropy with or without their
approval. "I don't care what others think. It makes me happy to
give my money away. I used to be poor." "

For more on this amazing story go here :


Well, as they say, "that's all there is for now folks". I do hope that
you have enjoyed this week's "themed" newsletter. I shall be looking
for more Inspiration in the coming week to help you on your
journey to greater success, more enlightenment, better relationships
or whatever area you would like to develop in life. Please email me and let me know what you would
like to see covered in future editions.

Don't forget to look out for the mid week Article on a personal
development/self improvement theme to your In box. Also join me
on the Facebook Fan page :

Until next time,

God bless and BE INSPIRED !


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