Friday 30 July 2010

How to Reprogamme YOUR Mind for Success with NO Effort !

Hello again

Do you have limiting beliefs in life ? I know I do. Or destructive habits ? Or harmful thoughts ? So where do these originate ?

Most people now know these days that it is our subconscious rather than our conscious minds that determine the course of our lives and our outcomes.

Many people may say they want to be rich and we may hear that at a conscious level but it is our subconscious mind that supports that desire or indeed, for many, sabotages it !

Having become frustrated by attempts to make changes in my "conscious mind" by traditional methods such as affirmations and visualizations in my own life, I decided to find out if there was an easier way to "reprogramme my mind" and prime it for ultimate success ? To my delight there was !

Now you may already have heard of "subliminal messaging," well I have to admit that I personally had not heard much about this until recently ? It means to take in messages beneath our conscious awareness of them. I was switched on to subliminal messaging by an internet marketing expert who was recommending a piece of software he used to help increase his profits. Now I have been to this guy's seminars and I know that he has an excellent reputation in the industry, so when he speaks people sit up and listen. Anyway he recounted by way of recommendation that by using a simple piece of software on his computer he went from earning 10k US dollars a month to 40k several months later to over 100k per month several months later again ! And no, if you are thinking it wasn't by selling this product you are wrong !

Now get the simplicity of this, all the software does is flash messages on your computer screen which may not even be conscious to the naked eye (your choice depending on the settings you use). These are positive affirmations such as "I am a money magnet" but the beauty is that you do NOT have to keep saying these affirmations over and over in your head, the subconscious mind picks up the messages subliminally without your conscious mind even being aware. How amazing is that ?

Olympic athletes have reported using this tool with outstanding success ! If you don't take my word for it the testimonials are there. But the incredible power of this product is that it can be used successfully in assisting with weight loss, improving self confidence, eliminating the fear of public speaking and a whole host of other fears and phobias - developing a charismatic personality, boosting IQ, improving sports performance and body building the list is endless !

The software is incredibly easy to use and comes with preset programmes but you can very easily programme your own affirmations into it, simple as anything ! Every time you fire up your computer the messages flash on the screen without you even knowing so it is not intrusive .There are also music settings which you can play in the background or indeed leave turned off.

I have used the email "support" for this product and it has been excellent very responsive and very clear and as I say the system is simplicity itself. You can download it in seconds to your computer.

I am extremely pleased with the results I am getting with this software and I feel more and more opportunities are opening up to me since I have been using it. Of course you will use it for whatever is most important at the time, it is recommended you don't work on more than three areas in your life at any one time.

So I have no hesitation in making a personal recommendation of this product. I had no hesitation in purchasing it myself and I am delighted with its ease of application and the results I am already seeing ! If you are struggling today with a limiting belief or a fear or phobia that you have tried to release please think about using this product. Click here to read more

Thursday 29 July 2010

How to Break the Cycle of Fear Associated with Panic Attacks and Anxiety Disorders Once and For All

Hello again

If you have ever suffered from panic attacks or any other general anxiety disorder then you will know just how debilitating these conditions can be !

Indeed you may have suffered these for many years, tried a range of therapies and medication without a "cure" and your life has become all the poorer and more restricted for that. The norm of social interactions leaves you feeling a sense of "overwhelm" and as for attending a job interview the mere thought is enough to paralyse you with fear !

For those not familiar with the condition it may be helpful to describe some of the possible symptoms : dizzy spells leading to panic; tightness in the throat and chest; shortness of breath ; racing heart with tingling sensations; hot flushes followed by waves of anxiety; obsessive worries and unwanted thoughts; not feeling connected to what is going on around you; overwhelming fear that the anxiety will push you over the edge and more !

As if that isn't enough people experiencing panic attacks often find themselves in their local ER Departments fearing they have suffered an anxiety attack or feel uncomfortable in enclosed spaces such as supermarkets, cinemas, sitting on public transport or even while at the hair dressers. Other people fear getting stuck in traffic or some other situation that they feel no control over such as stuck at red lights !

Whatever the situation or symptoms it is clear that panic attacks and general anxiety disorder can have a major impact on a person's quality of life. So what can be done to alleviate this debilitating condition ? I think it is important to look at how panic attacks and general anxiety disorders get established after attacking for the first time. After a person experiences a panic attack for the first time, the experience can be so impacting that it leaves a strong imprint on the persons psyche.

When this happens people begin to either avoid situations that make them anxious or they medicate themselves to the point where they are numb to the fear. This mental imprint generates a cycle or loop of anxiety whereby the person develops an unhealthy fear of having another panic attack. People can spend anywhere from months to years caught in this repetitive cycle of anxiety.

This is then the sequence: the foundation of a future panic attack is laid hours before the person actually experiences one. The anticipation of a panic attack starts the wave cycle of anxiety in motion.The slightest stress trigger will then launch the full blown panic attack into motion. Panic then manifests itself in approximately 20 minute wave like formations.

This sounds to me a very poor situation to have to live with day in day out. The good news is that I have discovered a natural non medical technique that now allows the person to break the cycle of anxiety and return to normal everyday living. Once the vicious cycle of anxiety is broken then a person can get on with their lives in absolute freedom again. If you would like to know more go here :

Wednesday 28 July 2010

How to Create a "Win Win" Relationship With Your Troublesome Teenager

Hello again

If you are a parent reading this, you will probably agree with with me that becoming a mother or father was one of the most, if not the most, joyful experiences of your life? You probably look back with "misty eyes" thinking of your child's first words, first steps and many other "firsts"!

So today if you are the parent of a troublesome teen you may just be wondering "where did it all go wrong?" indeed "what have I done wrong to bring such a foul mouthed and disrespectful young person into the world?" You may also have feelings of guilt or a sense of failure as a parent comparing your child or children to your well behaved nephews and nieces or other teens you know?

Well take hope because help is on its way! First of all it may be useful to examine some of the common teen "problems". These range from a "distance" in your relationship, to all too common confrontations, to power struggles, to heated arguments, to disrespectful attitudes, to not being listened to etc etc.. Of course there are many other teen problems and indeed more serious anti social behaviours, to drug abuse, to underage sex, to running with gangs the list is endless.

However what we are talking about here is the "norm" of teenage problems such that 96% of all parents report stress, confusion and frustration in dealing with their teen.

So what is the ideal outcome to this? Essentially as a parent you should be looking to create a 'win win' situation with your teen leading to a co-operative and harmonious relationship where both parties respect each other. The sad fact that many parents although well meaning go about this in the wrong way and their efforts at creating harmony with their teen backfire. Most parents approach this subject from a logical manner and rationale failing to understand that the person they are dealing with is at times acting highly illogically!

What parents need in today's highly complicated society is a "programme" that rapidly improves the current situation with your teen using proven strategies that correspond to the modern teenager's psychology. The aim is to create a "best friend" relationship with your teen which respects your position as a parent and leads to a mutually enjoyable relationship.

If you are a parent of a problem teen today and you are at your wits end and desperately need some powerful and effective strategies, I would like to recommend this valuable resource:

Oliver Kent M.A. is a Qualified Professional Life Coach
Facebook Fan Page :

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Is There a Science of Getting Rich, a Proven Formula for Wealth ?

Hello again,

Do you believe there is a science of getting rich, a proven formula for wealth? After all most people if asked the question would say that they want to be rich! So how is that possible and is there a proven formula?

Wallace Wattles was born on a small farm in Illinois in the mid 1800's. His family were poor,and the times they were living in were difficult. Wallace received a poor start in life with very little formal education. He began his young working life as a farm labourer. Eventually he travelled to Chicago to better himself.

In Chicago, Wallace worked as an author but struggled. He experienced many failures and for years he lived a live of poverty and the fear of poverty.

However he was always working to attain a better life for himself and for his family. At this point he began to study an emerging "New Thought" and soon discovered the truth about the laws that govern the process of acquiring riches.He discovered the simple idea that getting rich is the result of doing certain things in a certain way.

Wallace began to mix with several leading New Thought leaders, among them Emma Curtis Hopkins and William Walker Atkinson. A new way of life suddenly opened up to him. He began to study feverishly, immersing himself in the writings of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Ralph Waldo Emerson, amongst others.

One night in 1896 in Chicago, a great "secret" was passed to Wallace. Empowered by its its knowledge, Wallace at last understood not only why he had spent his entire life in poverty and failure, but he also discovered how to realize the life he had the abundant life of his dreams!

From that moment, his life changed forever. By constant study and experimentation with these principles, he invented a formula that would bring success and wealth, easier and faster than ever before. As he was sure that this formula could be replicated by others with the same success, Wallace began to write his findings for others to follow.

The book that he wrote was called 'The Science of Getting Rich'. The wisdom contained in those pages was by far the most concise and fastest way to master the Laws that govern the process of acquiring riches.
Wallace's own life proved that he had indeed perfected the formula of getting rich. A practical author, Wattles encouraged his readers to test his theories on themselves rather than take his word as authority. And the success of his formula proved itself over and over. Those who lived every page of his book got rich.

However merely reading the Science of Getting Rich book may not lead to the riches hoped for without a consistent application of their principles. For that mentorship is needed and I would like to recommend this resource which will turn the science of getting rich into a reality for you guaranteed!

Oliver Kent is a Qualified Professional Life Coach (

The Psychology of Restoring a Broken Marriage or Relationship

Hello again

Did you know that the statistics for the divorce rate in countries like the United States and the UK are at about 45% to 50%? And the figures for remarriage are not much more encouraging either. About 60 to 80 % of couples who remarry divorce again!

To me these are troubling statistics in a modern day society that seems to regard marriage as a "throw away item", try one on for size if it doesn't fit try another one on! Now I am not here talking exclusively about marriage in terms of relationship breakdown, although I will say I am an advocate of marriage and monogamy but I recognize that many people are in "committed" relationships of all sorts.

But we have to look at the consequences of ALL relationship break down on ALL parties, financial, emotional, psychological, spiritual and not least on innocent children to realize that relationship breakdown takes a huge toll on individuals, families and society as an whole!

So what happens if you feel that you have met the "love of your life" and for whatever reason that relationship breaks down? Let's face relationships are under huge pressure these days financial pressure, job pressure, status pressure whatever? There are hundred of reasons relationships come under pressure and begin to crumble, it's almost the norm! The pursuit of "happiness"' for many means that the first time problems arise in the marriage/relationship it's "I'm out of here see you!" or some other expression!

Back to my original question just what do you do to salvage a relationship that has already broken down?
Well for me you have to ask the question: is this situation capable of being salvaged? Do you really believe that the marriage or relationship can be salvaged? Well the answer is most definitely yes with a capital YES! However most people go about it in the wrong way and make things ten times worse than they were before!
But I am here to tell you that with the right techniques, a relationship or marriage that looks as dead as a dodo can be salvaged, even marriages or relationships that have seen the parties parted for years? However there is a psychology to this and unfortunately people do the opposite of what they should be doing!

So if you are in a situation of relationship or marriage breakdown today and would like to know some of the "secrets" of getting you ex back please go here for introduction to a valuable resource. Good luck!:
Facebook Fan page :

Friday 23 July 2010

How to enhance YOUR relationship by asking the right questions ?

Did you know that an estimated 83 % of relationships could be saved if couples were to learn to ask each other the right questions ? Just think about that for a moment, it's an astonishing statistic I am sure you agree ?

Now bearing in mind that divorce takes across the Western world are at epidemic proportions and the statistics for second and third marriages are no more encouraging it should be self evident that there is a powerful truth here !

I mean our traditional dating methods get us to know like and trust the person we are with but how well REALLY do we "know" our spouse or partner. We have all heard horror stories where someone has married someone else and subsequently they find out that the person has two or three other wives and countless children. Now that kind of situation is not really the scope of this article but ......

However there is a legitimacy in finding out as much as we can about our spouse or partner their likes and dislikes what pleases them or displeases them and so on. But there is a much deeper level in relation to a person's thoughts, feelings and desires which some couples either before dating or after a relationship has commenced find difficult to explore.

If you already have a strong relationship with your spouse or partner then asking the right questions will make the love bond even more solid. For others it may reveal areas that they have to work hard on. Asking the right questions at the start of a relationship may lead a person to think that the person is not the right one for them and that's good too. The pain of divorce on all parties not least children is something to avoid at all costs so it's worth investing time and energy into the process.

There is a lot to gain from this process once commenced and it doesn't need to be an interrogatory process, rather fun and an enjoyable learning process. Let's say one person like pets and the other doesn't asking that question gives a greater understanding of why and what to do about the subject It may even lead to a satisfactory compromise for example a goldfish rather than a cat !

I do encourage you to consider this practice and the benefits it can bring to your relationship. The stranger the relationship the happier you will be and your spouse or partner.

Oliver Kent is a Qualified Professional Life Coach. For a valuable resource in asking the right questions in a relationship please go here :

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Feel the FEAR and do it anyway ?

Hello again

Isn't that a great expression, feel the FEAR and do it anyway?

Being a student myself of issues of Inspiration and Motivation, the most inspiring examples in life seem to be just that don't they ? It's people who just look fear in the eye and say "you know what I'm gonna do it anyway." There's a great song by the singer Labi Siffre "Something inside so strong" which I believe was written regarding the apartheid struggle in South Africa. Now the people wanting to overturn that corrupt system must have felt fear at times knowing that in trying to overturn such a state they risked charges of subversion or treason. We all know Nelson Mandela spent twenty seven years in prison for his fight against apartheid. Now did he feel fear at any time in his struggle, maybe so, but whatever his emotional state he made a decision that his live was to be devoted to "the struggle."   

There are many other examples of fearlessness in society and life today. I always think of the French guy who climbs skyscrapers all over the world without any form of safety devices, risking instant death with every move. I think he is called "The Spiderman". Where does that kind of fearlessness come from I ask myself ?
I don't know is the answer but what I do know that someone who lives like that has really conquered all his fears, the fear of death, the fear of public ridicule, the fear of rejection and failure, the fear of being stopped from his "life purpose". Now I am not condoning what he does (climbing public buildings) but even the authorities who have to "punish' him have a grudging respect for what he does as do most people I would venture ?

So what can we learn from these examples about being free of fear and free to be the person we were born to be? What is clear is that fear in its many forms can rob us of such much whether in terms of our health, our wealth, our relationships or whatever area of life. A simple example in the health arena would be a man who for fear of going to the doctor and appearing to be "macho" ultimately finds that he has prostate cancer which could have been treated earlier if diagnosed !

I have known many people who are afraid to step out of their comfort zone and to look to new horizons whether staying in the same dead end job for years or risking a new relationship after being rejected in a previous one. Fear controls people and causes them to live limited, ultimately unsatisfying lives merely because they were unable to take a positive step in the direction of something new.

The other side of fear is "faith" and of course if you are going to eradicate fear from your life you need to work on having faith that what new venture you turn to will be successful and move you forward in life. You need to feel that by taking a step of faith towards a new destiny that your dreams or goals will ultimately be realised !

So my question to you today is are you going to feel the FEAR and do it anyway ? Are you going to work on acquiring the faith you need to make the changes you need to do in order to move yourself forward in life? Fear will control you all your life if you let it, beter to recognise it for what it is, a "'stealer of dreams," and deal with it TODAY !

God bless

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Monday 5 July 2010

Is this all there is to life, REALLY ?

Hello again

Apologies for being away from my "blogging desk' for a while !

Anyway, I met up with an old college friend last week after a long (too long ?) time. Apart from a concern about whether we would even recognise each other, there was the obvious question, "Are we still the same people ?" 

Well in a sense is anybody really the same person after fifteen or twenty years, it's somewhat unlikely I think ?
Most people will have changed over such a period perhaps having married, had kids, paying a mortgage,
holding down a job all the usual "habits'' of most people's lives.

Now my friend ( I won't name him for fear of embarrassing him ) seems to have the perfect life if such a thing exits ? He and his partner have not had kids preferring to adopt an "alternative lifestyle" and go travelling on a regular basis instead. Most recently they have been to South East Asia and saw amongst other things an active volcano and many different animal species including I believe what are called "monitor lizards."
I couldn't help feeling a little bit envious as he explained that he had also gone for a week's sailing in Greece recently as well !

So we got to talking about our lives and remembering old college friends, in particular two who had "done well for themselves" becoming partners in law and accountancy firms respectively. We then discussed a possible Christmas reunion with other old college mates as well. One of the guys who is a "partner" had previously emailed to say that he felt unable to met up for more than a couple of hours at Christmas due to family and work commitments. My reunion friend also speculated about our other "partner" friend being quite weary in his job and that things were not quite as he had first envisaged when he had entered the profession.

So what is my point in telling you all this ? Well I am delighted when people do well in their careers and achieve a "status", a place of recognition and attainment. But, and it is a big but, does that make people necessarily happy and fulfilled ? Indeed does any position in life make us happy. ? Yes it's great to have a good job or career but one has to be sure that one is operating "on purpose". Now I really don't know whether my boat sailing friend is operating on purpose or whether our "partner friends" have found their true purpose in their lives ? Only they can answer that.

For me it's always intriguing when I hear of people who have given lucrative careers up and gone off and done something more "worthwhile" instead, say working with handicapped children or some other charitable venture. I genuinely think people reach a stage in their life where they begin to question all their earlier assumptions and expectations and I don't think that is always a bad thing. It is then a question if they find they are burdened by their current experience as to whether they have the courage to make a change or whether they are locked in to their current reality say by responsibilities of one kind or another !

So my question to you today is which are you ? The free and easy world traveller or the stressed out executive ? Always remember whatever society tells you you DO have a choice and that is to follow your purpose in life assuming you know what it is ? Freedom comes from knowing who you are and what you are here to do with your life. I wish you well with your choice !

God Bless!
