Thursday 29 July 2010

How to Break the Cycle of Fear Associated with Panic Attacks and Anxiety Disorders Once and For All

Hello again

If you have ever suffered from panic attacks or any other general anxiety disorder then you will know just how debilitating these conditions can be !

Indeed you may have suffered these for many years, tried a range of therapies and medication without a "cure" and your life has become all the poorer and more restricted for that. The norm of social interactions leaves you feeling a sense of "overwhelm" and as for attending a job interview the mere thought is enough to paralyse you with fear !

For those not familiar with the condition it may be helpful to describe some of the possible symptoms : dizzy spells leading to panic; tightness in the throat and chest; shortness of breath ; racing heart with tingling sensations; hot flushes followed by waves of anxiety; obsessive worries and unwanted thoughts; not feeling connected to what is going on around you; overwhelming fear that the anxiety will push you over the edge and more !

As if that isn't enough people experiencing panic attacks often find themselves in their local ER Departments fearing they have suffered an anxiety attack or feel uncomfortable in enclosed spaces such as supermarkets, cinemas, sitting on public transport or even while at the hair dressers. Other people fear getting stuck in traffic or some other situation that they feel no control over such as stuck at red lights !

Whatever the situation or symptoms it is clear that panic attacks and general anxiety disorder can have a major impact on a person's quality of life. So what can be done to alleviate this debilitating condition ? I think it is important to look at how panic attacks and general anxiety disorders get established after attacking for the first time. After a person experiences a panic attack for the first time, the experience can be so impacting that it leaves a strong imprint on the persons psyche.

When this happens people begin to either avoid situations that make them anxious or they medicate themselves to the point where they are numb to the fear. This mental imprint generates a cycle or loop of anxiety whereby the person develops an unhealthy fear of having another panic attack. People can spend anywhere from months to years caught in this repetitive cycle of anxiety.

This is then the sequence: the foundation of a future panic attack is laid hours before the person actually experiences one. The anticipation of a panic attack starts the wave cycle of anxiety in motion.The slightest stress trigger will then launch the full blown panic attack into motion. Panic then manifests itself in approximately 20 minute wave like formations.

This sounds to me a very poor situation to have to live with day in day out. The good news is that I have discovered a natural non medical technique that now allows the person to break the cycle of anxiety and return to normal everyday living. Once the vicious cycle of anxiety is broken then a person can get on with their lives in absolute freedom again. If you would like to know more go here :

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