Friday, 26 November 2010

Learn the Spiritual Laws of PROSPERITY !

Inspired Living Daily

26 November 2010

In this issue :

1)Inspirational Quote of the Week
2)The Creativity Law of Prosperity
3)The Vacuum Law of Prosperity
4)The Tithing Law of Prosperity

Hello to All

It's a pleasure to bring you this regular Inspirational Newsletter
once again !

Just a reminder that this Newsletter is sent out every two weeks or so to
people who subscribed to a recent Free Report of mine called the 'Mindset
Revolution' or indeed to people who signed in to receive further
information related to articles of mine posted in Ezine articles. If it
no longer meets your needs then you are able to unsubscribe at the
bottom of this page.

Today I am focusing on the Spiritual Laws of Prosperity. Recently
I have been following the work of someone called Randy Gage who
has made a twenty year study of Prosperity and has himself become
a multi millionaire earner in the field of Network/Multi Level

Randy has identified 7 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity as such :
1) Creativity; 2) Vacuum Law; 3) Tithing; 4) Circulation; 5)Imaging;
6) Faith; 7) Giving and Receiving.

I intend to discuss three of these here being Creativity, Vacuum and

Prosperity is everybody's birthright, I firmly believe that so I hope
this information will empower you to find the prosperity that you so
richly deserve. Enjoy ! If you would like to communicate with me at any
time please email :


Inspirational Quote of the Week

'Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, not just money and things.
Poverty is a way of living and thinking, not just a lack of money and
things.' Eric Butterworth.

The Creativity Law of Prosperity

Randy Gage an expert on Prosperity says there 'is no such thing as a
money problem' rather 'an ideas problem'.

He goes on to say that in any economic situation including a downturn
or recession then there are always people becoming wealthy. Randy says
that to become prosperous you must become a 'contrarian' in your thinking
ie adopt a different mindset than others and see opportunities where
people see only hurdles or obstacles.

In the following video Randy discusses the energy dynamics of creating
prosperity and indeed creating harmony and wealth in all areas of one's
life. He suggests 'all things are energy'. Randy says that prosperity
can be 'manifested from the ethers by the power of ideas, vision and

For the You Tube video on this please go here :


The Vacuum Law of Prosperity

What exactly is the Vacuum Law of Prosperity ?

Randy Gage suggests that when one's prosperity is stalled we need to ask
the question as to 'what we are holding on to that we should be releasing'?
The reason being that 'nature abhors a vacuum' and that the Universe
being inherently good wants to put harmony where there is chaos.

He suggests getting rid of things that are not serving us any longer
such as dysfunctional relationships or giving way old clothes or shoes
to charity if you want a new pair or closet of clothes.

So if you are struggling in any area of prosperity or manifesting
your innermost desires in any area of your life please consider
the fundamental question posed above.

For more on the Vacuum Law please go here :

The Tithing Law of Prosperity

The dynamic law of Tithing is the idea that you give back one tenth
of your earnings to the 'source of your spiritual nourishment.'

Randy Gage recounts how when he was broke and in huge debt having sold
all his furniture and sleeping on the floor he gave a dollar in
the basket of his local church and soon after got a refund cheque
from his electricity company !

He goes on to tell how he has paid one tenth of his income from that
time and his earnings have gone up every year since !

He also suggests where to give your tithe and how living by this
spiritual law and the others leads to greater prosperity.

For more on this fascinating subject go here :


Well folks I do hope you find this information on the Spiritual
Laws of Prosperity as fascinating as I do ?! I firmly believe that if you
apply these laws to your own life you will see great changes.

A reminder that you can email me at any time :

If you are currently looking for a Home Based Business Opportunity then
I am currently associated with a Network Marketing Opportunity called
AshMax. A low cost investment of $25 gives the very real prospect of
making residual income For Life ! Please email me for further details.

Also if you are likely to be in the UK in February I can highly recommend
Andy Harrington's 'Power to Achieve Event'. This is an amazing Personal
Development weekend (Feb. 4 to 6) where you get to break wooden boards with
your bare hands and to release limiting beliefs and fears. For more on
this go here :

PS I am off to South Africa soon for Christmas so at time of writing
I am unsure as to date of next Newsletter. May I take this early
opportunity to wish you the compliments of the Christmas season.

Until next time.


God Bless


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