Sunday, 26 September 2010

Inspired Living Daily Newsletter - 24/9/10

In his week's Newsletter, 3 Articles relating to achieving Personal and Professional Success with Neuro Linguistic Programming, Developing Unstoppable Confidence and Making Easy Friendship - A Powerful Combination !

Friday, 17 September 2010

Are YOU Healthy in Mind, Body and Spirit ? (Newsletter 17/9/10)


17 September 2010

In this issue :

1)Inspirational Quote of the Week
2)Do you have a mentally healthy mind ?
3)Healthy Mind, Healthy Body
4)The link between spirituality and health
5)Inspiring story of 'Superman'

Welcome one and all

It's really great to have you here again this week for another lively
dose of inspiration. As ever, a particularly warm welcome to all my
new subscribers from wherever you are, thanks for being here ! If
you would like to drop me a line at any time with your comments,
suggestions, feedback or ideas I would love to hear from you ! My email

As you will know if you have been reading the newsletter in recent
weeks I have been looking at various themes and this week I have decided
to look at the mind-body-spirit link and the importance of all three
working in harmony and balance together !

We are in such an enlightened era these days in our common understanding
of the the ability of our minds to create both positive and
negative circumstances in our lives and indeed how negative thinking/
emotions can do such damage to our bodies. One statistic is
that an estimated 70% of visits to a doctor are stress related. That
is quite an astonishing figure I am sure you will agree ?

The good news is that there are lots of different methods and techniques
out there, many of which are natural in origin, which can help in balancing
the mind-body connection such as relaxation, meditation, yoga and an host
of others. As regards spirituality, no one really knows for sure how
spirituality is connected to health but the fact is undeniable that
it is. Certain spiritual practices such as prayer can contribute to
a sense of health and well being and a connection to something 'unseen'
and mystical ?!More on the mind-body-spirit connection in the articles
that follow.


Inspirational Quote of the Week

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This
is to have succeeded. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do you have a mentally healthy mind ?

Dr Adam Cash in an article in suggests the following
ten steps as keys to good mental health :

1)Love yourself and accept yourself as you are;
2)Struggle to overcome, yet learn to let go;
3)Stay connected with other people and nurture relationships
4)Strive for freedom and self-determination;
5)Find your purpose and work towards your goals;
6)Find hope and maintain faith and have a "positivity bias";
7)Lend a helping hand with charitable activities;
8)Find flow by being deeply engrossed and focused on selected activities;
9)Enjoy beautiful things in life, including music and art;
10)Stay flexible. Be ready to change. It takes courage to change our ways.

Quite a menu I am sure you would agree, but some strong truths there !
Essentially, in my own mind, much of this is about self realisation, about
finding oneself and coming from a healthy place of one's own self worth
in connecting with people and the world in general. Having a healthy
mind means that one can function in society at a far more optimal level
than say someone diagnosed with a severe mental illness.

It is clear that much of the 'brokenness' we see in society today is
caused by 'broken minds' such that people exhibit negative patterns
of behaviour based on what their minds are conveying to them as truth.
People's conditioning in childhood leads them often to believe that
their horizons are limited by the expectations and 'realities of
life' imposed on them by parents or other important authority figures.

The mind is programmed from an early age and many people in adult
life have to reprogramme their minds and particularly their
subconscious minds if they are to achieve real success in life.

The article goes on to say :

'A Western conception of a mentally healthy mind is a person who
functions effectively as a human being, who continues to adapt favourably
to the environment, who has self-control and is alert to changes in
the environment. He or she responds to change effectively by avoiding
pain and finding pleasure, and finds ways to get greater resources,
knowledge, power, and tools for survival.'

OK well that may sound a bit deep and philosophical, but it essentially
means that we gauge our mental health by our ability to 'function
effectively' in the real world and adapt to change. It is often at times
of severe stress such as job loss or divorce or loss of a loved one
that our minds can come to breaking point if we are not careful. This
emphasises the importance of the mind-body-spirit link in that if
we can maintain certain routines at those times like exercise/good
nutrition or spiritual practices such as prayer or meditation then
the mental stress can be dealt with effectively. If we neglect any of
those then our system can go into breakdown mode just like a car that
hasn't been serviced with oil regularly.

For more on the subject of a Mentally Health Mind go here :

Health Mind, Healthy Body

A report by Anne Kelly in says :

'The Romans had a proverb, 'mens sana in corpore sano,' meaning
'a healthy mind in a healthy body'. Research worldwide, including in
the Department of Physiology, Trinity College Dublin, shows that the
Romans were really on to something. While we have known for a long
time that exercise can protect general health and wellbeing, it now
seems that exercise may help to preserve brain health also. For example,
fitness levels have been associated with maintenance of brain function
in age while physical activity has been linked with a reduced risk
of development of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.'

So this is probably quite commonly known information nowadays, namely
that one's physical health and optimal mental reasoning/brain functioning
are intimately linked. It is encouraging to believe that if we
maintain reasonable standards of fitness and physical activity we can
ward off degenerative brain conditions such as dementia and other
impairments of old age !

The mind-body link is such a powerful one.How many times have you
heard people say that if they give up a regular exercise regime they
become sluggish or lethargic ! And most often they are not really
talking about physically but more so mentally. We have gotten used
to seeing some of our great Western leaders going for their daily jog
or cycle ride or their game of golf. Bearing in mind that these people
are handling the pressures of high office, then they obviously realise
the benefits of regular exercise on their physiology and mental

Of course the healthy mind-body link is not just about the effects
of regular physical exercise but about good nutrition and an host of
beneficial supplements and additions people can bring to their diets.
There are huge global industries extolling the benefits of many
naturally occurring products such as aloe vera and many others.

It should also be borne in mind that the brain can need help as it can
get depleted of neurotransmitters like serotonin which play an
important role in how we feel each day. Many people experience pain,
stress, depression and anxiety associated with low serotonin levels.
Fortunately, there are plenty of natural ways we can boost our mood
by helping our body produce the right amount of serotonin. In this way
the health mind-body link can be maintained.

For more on how these natural ways to boost one's brain chemistry
go here :

The link between spirituality and health

If we accept the basic premise that the mind, body and spirit are
connected, then it is important to understand that one's 'spirituality'
can have a direct effect on developing and maintaining a healthy
body and mind. This relationship is symbiotic in that one thing feeds
off another and for the organism, in this case a human being, to be
healthy then there has to be a balance between all three.

Now for some people the issue of 'spirituality' is a confusing and
difficult one because they may link the word with an organised religion
and for that reason refuse to countenance any spiritual dimension to life
personally for them, or of the link between that an healthy mind-body-
spirit connection.

Even if a person has no spiritual identity through a formal religion
they may still be in touch with their spirituality in unconscious ways.

An article in says as follows :

'Spirituality is the way you find meaning, hope, comfort and inner
peace in your life. Many people find spirituality through religion.
Some find it through music, art or a connection with nature. Others
find it in their values and principles.'

As I am sure you will agree that is quite a broad definition of
spirituality but the important point there for me is in the word 'meaning'.
Finding meaning or purpose to one's life, which in essence is a
spiritual practice, contributes to one's well being in the sense that
everything then has a context in the order of things. Appreciating for
example nature in all its glory can lead to a sense of wonder and a
realisation that there is supreme order in the Universe and that everything
has a reason to be as it is.

The article in goes on to suggest a range of activities
to improve one's spiritual health with the emphasis on things that
give a person a sense of inner peace, comfort, strength, love and

For more on these go here :

Inspiring Story - The Irony of Superman

Christopher Reeve was known to millions as the star of the Superman
films. In 1995 he suffered a catastrophic equestrian accident which
not only ended his acting career but almost his life. He went from able
bodied to quadriplegic in an instant !

In his second book, "Nothing Is Impossible: Reflections on a New Life"
he reflects on the life transformation and his battle to accept his
new reality :

'Reeve emphasizes the importance of a positive mentality in the
connection which exists between mind and body. Easy? No, he never
portrays the inner work a disabled person must do as easy. His words
resonate as he reveals that fear and self-doubt which are born from
disability and setbacks in recovery can be more paralyzing than the
physical impairment itself. Frustrations, which seemingly build one
upon another, must be shattered by a never ending willingness to overcome.
Reeve also underscores the vital roles played by family, caregivers,
doctors, and therapists, as well as the faith and hope which must
pepper each of those relationships.'

For more on this amazing story go here :


Well folks that's it for another week ! I really hope you enjoyed today's
content as much as I did putting it together ! I will be on the
lookout once again for inspirational topics and themes in the next week.
Don't forget to email me in the meantime and to visit my fan page
on Facebook :

Have a great week, go for your goals and see you soon !

In the meantime,

God Bless and BE INSPIRED !


Friday, 10 September 2010

Do YOU Have a Burning Desire to Succeed ?

10 September 2010


In this issue :

1)Inspirational Quote of the Week !
2)The Desire to Succeed
3)Developing Discipline in the Quest for Success
4)How to become more Resilient
5)Inspirational Story of a man with a Burning Desire to succeed !

Well Hello One and ALL !

Happy to be back with you after last week's computer crash ! I trust
you have been moving forward in your life and job/business goals
in that time frame ? Before I forget a special WELCOME once again to
any NEW subscribers it is great to have you here ! I would love to
hear from you with any inspirational success, wealth and happiness
stories you may wish to share ! Email :

So this week I am looking once again at the issue of success and some
of the 'traits' that one may need to acquire if one wants to be successful
in life. I was inspired to write this because it is my experience and
that of others that to have REAL and LASTING success in life you need
to have or acquire a certain mental outlook and corresponding
personality traits in life ! About a year ago now I purchased a
financial trading programme called The Tenkei Trading Techniques by
a gentleman called Wilson Williams.

In that programme he outlined what he called 'Super Trader' traits ie
the traits that the most successful traders in the world adopt. These
are as follows : Acceptance of losses/losing; Confidence; Desire for
Success; Devotion; Discipline; Independence; Love and Passion (for your
business);Methodology; Patience and Resilience.

Today in this themed article I am going to look at three of those
'traits' namely Desire to Succeed, Discipline and Resilience !


Inspirational Quote of the Week

A strong passion for any object will ensure success, for the desire
of the end will point out the means.

Henry Hazlitt


Desire to Succeed

"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full
potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal
excellence." Confucius China's most famous teacher, philosopher, and
political theorist, 551-479 BC)

So, as was stated by Confucius in his quote above, the 'desire to
succeed' is a necessary pre-requisite in the actual attainment of
all success in any venture in life. I mean would anybody seriously
suggest that an Olympic athlete with all the years of dedication,
training and discipline required to attain excellence in any sport
didn't have a burning desire to succeed ? No of course not ? Or that
Bill Gates didn't have a burning and unquenchable desire to achieve
the amazing global success he has with his Microsoft empire ? Again,
no !

The 'desire to succeed' is part of a wider package around the heading
of self motivation. Factors included in that will include self esteem;
desire to succeed; will power; mental stability; family; life goals;
daily activities and daily pleasures !

But......without desire an essential element to attaining success
will not be realised. I have spoken before about merely 'wanting'
something, well merely wanting success will not cut it, it has to be
the white hot of desire !

An article in Ezine Articles gives this positive definition of desire,
'The natural longing that is excited by the enjoyment or the thought
of any good, and impels to action or effort its continuance or
possession; an eager wish to obtain or enjoy.'

Desire is a powerful emotion as I am sure most of us know and if we
truly desire anything in our lives when we act on our desire we can
become unstoppable in the quest for the thing we most want or need !
Keep the passion alive and you will achieve your objectives no matter
what hurdles you face in life !

For more on the Burning Desire to Succeed go here :


Developing Discipline in the Quest for Success

A quote from an article in says this :

"Anyone who desires to accomplish something must develop the
self-discipline required to keep moving toward the goal through good
and hard times. Those who succeed have disciplined themselves to not
give up at every misfortune. They are not easily swayed by negatives
or temporary failure."

You know even writing a weekly newsletter like this takes discipline
to produce !? Just the act of sitting down and typing it, compiling
it at the same time each week, researching articles etc. As last
week shows in my computer failure one is going to be met with
'temporary' failures along the way but there is a bigger goal to serve
here and that is for me to inspire people to higher levels of success,
wealth and happiness !

So in my example we see here how discipline is often related to the
attainment of a specific goal in life ?!

The article in goes on to say :

'Possibilities open up to those who have disciplined themselves to
look out for opportunities. They seize them, nurture them until they
create their own reality.'

Can I ask if you have defined your goals in life today are you in the
process of executing a plan to bring your goals about ? Are you taking
steps every day to the attainment of your goals ? If not why not ?
This is the very act of self discipline that will ensure YOUR success.
It is something that has to be worked at and developed even when you
don't feel like it !

I mean most of us can be self disciplined enough to get up and go to
work for a weekly or monthly pay cheque so surely it should be possible
to develop enough discipline to follow through on our personal goals ?

Most famous men and women in history have stories relating to the
seemingly overwhelming obstacles thy have had to overcome in achieving
their goals and success and in developing the self discipline
to persist even in the most difficult of times.

The good news is that you can develop the self discipline needed if
you are able to identify strong motivating goals and take consistent
and persistent action toward attaining them !

For more on how to Create Self discipline for Success and Happiness
go here :

How to Become More Resilient (and Succeed !)

"Suppose you have tried and failed again and again," said the actress
Mary Pickford. "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for
this thing that we call failure is not the falling down, but the
staying down."

What wise words those are ! We all have choices to make in life and
we CAN choose anything we want. You know I used to listen to people
who said things like you can 'choose to be happy' and scoff because
in my ignorance I didn't understand what I was being taught. But it
equally applies to the choice not to stay down after a heavy 'defeat',
a job loss, a divorce, serious illness, the loss of a loved one or
whatever !

But what exactly is resilience ? Resilience means essentially to
overcome adversity in the quest for personal success.

An article in says as follows :

'We are naturally resilient. We have the potential to bounce back from
setbacks, to get back up when we are knocked down by adversity. But,
if we don't use it, we lose that ability over time. And, when multiple
adversities stack up on us, we get rigid, less flexible, less able
to bounce back.'

This is so true you know. Have you ever noticed how naturally resilient
children can be ? Anybody who has watched a child learning to walk
will KNOW how resilient they are ! It is their natural
instinct to keep getting back up that eventually gives them the balance
and muscle tone they need to be able to walk for the rest of their
lives ! But as the article suggests resilience is something like developing
our muscles that we have to keep doing otherwise we can stay down
too long or even permanently ?!

The article in goes on to say :

"..... we can increase our ability to overcome adversity and to produce
awesome results--even in difficult circumstances. Learning to cope
successfully with failure and adversity can make us successful,
now, and in the future."

This is a very positive message. Now as someone who has had his own
share of 'down on the canvas' moments in life I can testify to the
fact that if you do not let that momentary loss/episode/defeat
stop you in your tracks, you can go on to be successful even using
what you have learned through that adversity to help and empower
not only yourself but other people !

So my advice today is don't ever quit, learn to be resilient, overcome
adversity, always get back up and take life on and you will eventually
achieve the success you so richly deserve !

For more on developing resilience go here :


A man with a Burning Desire to Succeed

In Napoloeon Hill's book 'Think and Grow Rich' in the chapter
on Desire, Hill recounts the pursuits of Edwin C Barnes.

He had nothing to offer apart from an inner burning desire to work
with Mr Thomas Edison. For those that do not know, Mr Edison was
successful entrepreneur who started the Edison Electric Light Company
and had the complete opposite lifestyle and financial status to Edwin
C Barnes at their first meeting. However Mr Barnes was so focused on
his goal, to partner with Mr.Edison, that he would not acknowledge
any barrier between him and Mr Edison. So this guy hitches a lift on
a train dressed in rags to make his way to meet Mr. Edison. Can you
imagine meeting a potential business partner that turned up looking
like a tramp?

Well the beauty is, Mr. Barnes had such a "Desire To Succeed" that he
pursued his goal and eventually did partner with Mr. Edison and became
a very wealthy man indeed. It is a classic rags to riches story.


Ok folks that's it once again from me this week. As I always say it
is a delight to hear from you :
Thanks to several people who have taken the time to email me recently saying
how much they appreciate the newsletter.

I will continue to scour the internet on your behalf this week for
more inspiration in the quest for greater success, more wealth,
better health and happiness !

I am on Facebook ( Twitter

Until next time

God Bless !

